One-Stop Payroll (OSP) is an integrated digital solution that streamlines regulatory processes for employers, allowing them to seamlessly submit their employees' data to multiple Government agencies directly from their payroll software:
How OSP Works

Envisaged Employer Journey via Payroll Software
Employer to select the submission(s) he/she would like to make:
Modules to do the necessary data mapping to ensure that the payroll software is able to pull the correct source data to the correct data field
To create presentation layer in payroll software for employer to preview the relevant draft submission form(s)
Envisaged Employer Journey via Payroll Software

CPF Contributions API
Overview: Employers are required to submit monthly CPF contributions (and other data) for their employees to CPFB. This module enables employers to make such submissions direct from payroll software.
Filing Frequency: Monthly (no change). The due date for CPF contributions is on the last day of the calendar month. Enforcement action would be taken against employers who fail to pay by the 14th of the following month.

Employment Income API
Overview: Employers with more than 5 employees are required to submit yearly employment income information electronically to IRAS under the Auto Inclusion Scheme (AIS). This is to automatically include the income in employees' personal income tax returns. This module enables employers to file required forms under the AIS and send associated data (salary, bonus, CPF, etc.) to IRAS seamlessly.
In a possible future enhancement (post-pilot), we may include IR21 API for tax clearance of foreign and Singapore Permanent Resident employees, and Notification of Clearance Directive.
Filing Frequency: Yearly (no change). To submit by 1 Mar of every year.

Occupational and Employment Dataset (OED) API
Overview: Employers are required under the Statistics Act to report changes in their workforce composition to MOM under the OED, as well as complete quarterly LMS surveys. This module enables employers to report OED and LMS data directly from their payroll software.
Filing Frequency: At least once per quarter. Employers are required to submit whenever there are updates.
Creating a Digital Ecosystem for Business Users & Employers

Know what to expect

Meet my unique needs

Fulfil statutory obligations easily, quicker and more accurately

Provide seamless submissions to OUR FOCUS the 3 agencies via the integrated "one-stop" payroll software

Put companies at the centre and provide them with flexibility to manage their preferences

Collaborate with the community to deliver value and integrate all payroll related matters seamlessly into natural systems